ITB (International Tourism exchange) Berlin
The world’s leading travel trade show is coming up in 2017 for the 51st time. The ITB takes place at the Berlin fairgrounds and invites both consumers and trade visitors to explore the world of tourism. It also features a separate section for gay and lesbian travel.
Dates: March 8 – 12, 2017
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Berlinale (67th International Film Festival) & Teddy Award
Within the scope of the Berlinale-International Film Festival, the TEDDY will award a prize for achievements in queer film. The TEDDY AWARD is given to films and people that communicate queer themes and content on a large scale and thereby contribute to more tolerance, acceptance, solidarity and equality in society.
Dates: February 9 - 19, 2017
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St. Patrick’s Day in Several Cities
Even though St. Patrick’s Day is an Irish national holiday, there are also huge celebration throughout Germany, the biggest of which can be found in Berlin and Munich. Held in Munich since 1996, the Irish celebration has turned into a massive parade of over 15,000 participants and spectators while in Berlin, the Irish national holiday is celebrated with over 5,000 people joining the spectacle.
Dates: Friday March 17, 2017
Locations: largest ones are in Berlin and Munich
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Carnival Week
Cologne Carnival is one of the most popular and biggest in Germany and also called the "fifth season." The Street carnival, a week-long street festival, takes place between Fat Thursday (Weiberfastnacht) and ends on Ash Wednesday (Aschermittwoch) with the highlight being Rose Monday (Rosenmontag) with its lively parade. All through these days, Cologne folks go out masqueraded and shout the typical greeting during the festival: “Kölle Alaaf!,” a Cologne phrase that can be translated as "Cologne above all!"
Dates: February 23 – March 1, 2017
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Every spring since 2011, Europe’s biggest literature festival brings together Nobel laureates feature just as much as non-fiction stars or authors of crime novels. Lit.Cologne is a literature lover’s paradise for everyone interested in the contemporary literature. Everything from highbrow culture to best-sellers to light reading can be found within the festival.
Dates: March 7 – 18, 2017
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Närrischer Frühshoppen & Tunte Lauf
Join the KG Regenbogen e.V., one of the three biggest carnival societies in Düsseldorf, for carnival season, for example for “Frühshoppen,“ a tradition where friends meet up for drinks in the late morning. Since its foundation in 2000, KG Regenbogen e.V. has become the largest LGBT carnival club in Germany, boasting 450 members - it even has its own annual carnival meeting and song! The society also organizes the annual LGBT Fundraising Run to benefit Aids Support Düsseldorf. Since 1996 high heels are put on for a good cause on the “Tunte Lauf” (queer run) catwalk.
Dates: Frühshoppen: Tunte Lauf:
February 12, 2017 February 25, 2017
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Lange Nacht der Museen (Long night of the museums)
Almost 100 selected museums invite visitors to explore their exhibitions at the ‘Lange Nacht der Museen’ (long night of the museums) in and around Stuttgart. In 2016, 25.000 people enjoyed this special offer and explored galleries, art displays and many more. Tickets for this special night can be purchased in advanced for about 20€. The ticket is also valid to use all the shuttle busses operating that night to bring visitors from one gallery to another.
Dates: Saturday March 25, 2017
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Mainz Carnival
One of the region’s longest (6.5 kilometers – 4 miles) carnival procession can be found in the city of Mainz on Rose Monday. The evening carnival show is even broadcast live on German TV. Having a strong political streak, and featuring politicians' misadventures, both events (the procession and the evening carnival show) are meant to be mercilessly satirized. This crazy weekend also kicks off with Europe's biggest children's masked parade on Carnival Saturday.
Dates: February 24 – 28, 2017
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About the GNTB
The German National Tourist Board (GNTB) has its headquarters in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. It works on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) to represent Germany as a tourist destination and is funded by the Ministry in accordance with a decision taken by the German Bundestag. The GNTB develops and communicates strategies and products to promote Germany's positive image abroad as a tourist destination and to encourage tourists to visit the country. It has 30 agencies around the world to support its activities.